Saturday, December 31, 2011

Have a Blessed 2012!

 Let's meditate in (Nm 6, 22-27) and the blessing we find there. “The LORD bless you and keep you. The LORD let his face shine upon you, and be gracious to you! The LORD look upon you kindly and give you peace”’ It is more than simple tradition; The blessings are ways to welcome the presence of God in every aspect of our lives.

We can summarize the good wishes of that blessing in three aspects that could be also a good way to start the year 2012. Protection, friendship with God and peace.

Jesus is the Son of Mary. The humility of the "born of a woman" (Gal 4, 4-7) becomes the exaltation of "The Mother of God". Jesus is also the "born in the fullness of time" Jesus brings time to fulfillment. There are no fullness of time without Him. Without Him Life is empty.

Born of a woman and born under the law in Saint Paul's mind goes together. It makes sense when you born from a woman to start to participate in laws and fundamental conditions of human life. Also means to be subjected to the laws of our existence. Also could mean "under the protection of the law". Jesus will transcend that condition and liberate us from the dominion of the law of Moses. He will give us His Spirit, He will be one of us, so that we can be His. 

Today we can't forget that In the heart of this cosmic transformation is Mary. She is contemplating the only face that brings peace and abundant blessings, the face of Jesus in the welcoming and tender Baby in Bethlehem. 
Lord, may I never tire of contemplating the scene of Bethlehem and your first days among us. There are so many lessons to be learned from Bethlehem. In contemplating Bethlehem, give me strength for my daily work, light to understand my vocation and clarity to see my mission and apostolate as men and women of the Kingdom.Lord, may the mystery of Bethlehem teach me complete trust in your plan over my life.
Heavenly Father, please do not let me inhibit your plan over my life in any way. I want to be a docile instrument in your hands. I want my life to be like Mary’s, never hesitating to keep pace with your plans. You are in haste because you love. Teach me this love that will want all souls to know and love you and to be able to enjoy doing so without delay. May all who come in contact with me go in haste to meet your Son Jesus Christ.

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