Saturday, February 25, 2012

First Sunday of Lent

Lent: A Liturgical Season where we learn to live in the desert

When you have a debt with the bank  or with a friend and you know is time to pay, but you don’t have the money you feel anguish and fear the penalty (especially credit cards). In today’s reading though the announcement of the fulfillment of time is not negative at all, it is a joy: "This is the time of fulfillment. The kingdom of God is at hand” (Mk 1:12-15). The kingdom of God has come close to us. Jesus is the horizon between the time in the Old Testament and the New Testament of The kingship of Jesus. The door to pass from one reality to the other is a word that fills all The Lenten Season: “conversion”.

Jesus brings the word “conversion” from the solitude of desert. In the silence, fasting and prayer our Lord has joined together the different pieces of our human history; He has a clear understanding of our personal drama and has found the connection with us through our weaknesses. My Brothers and Sisters, our salvation lies in defeating our pride. Jesus has come back from the desert to the city and is preaching with fire: “Believe in the Gospel”
The entire Church, especially in this time of Lent, accompanies Jesus in the desert. We know our enemy is tempting, but we also know that we have the whole company of Angels and Archangels. We know God is with us even though we can’t see Him and we love him without being able to possess Him yet. We know above all that The Church of God is walking always with the bridegroom and that He is always showing the way that leads to conversion and to The Good News.
Lord Jesus, I believe that you are leading me and that when I go astray, it’s because I take my eyes off you and cease to follow you. I know that you will never abandon me. Thank you for your unconditional and restoring love. I place all my trust in you, and I long to love you in return with all my mind, heart, soul and strength.
Lord Jesus, help me to be steadfast in moments of temptation.
Lord Jesus, I want always to choose you, but I know that I am weak. Please give me strength in my hour of temptation. Please keep me steady, and inflame my heart with love so that I choose you and your ways even though it’s costly. May the temptations I overcome become the stepping-stones to a holy life. Amen.

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