Saturday, August 27, 2011

Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

The readings today (Jer. 20: 7-9 and Mt 16: 21-27) are full of paradoxes. The prophet Jeremiah said that was seduced, but we see that his life is not full of loving people towards him, but rejection. Jesus in the gospel preaches that whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself. After those words we can see that The Cross is behind, the sum of all the paradoxes for every Christian. That is our faith. We can announce the victory of Jesus without telling people that He was defeated after He was humiliated.

Jeremiah has a bad reputation. The reputation of someone that is always complaining. What sometimes we forget is that He has something to say and is the word that comes from God and sometimes God is not welcome.

God is welcome when we want Him to resolve a problem, heal from an illness, help us when we are sad, when we want power to control our life. But when is time for Him to lead or when He suggest us to leave idols that we love is not easy to receive the one is speaking in the name of the Lord.

Jeremiah tried to get ride of God because he brought to him many inconvenient. The history tells us that he couldn’t. With god the prophets can become martyrs, but without God may be only clowns. In Jeremiah we see that Love could do more in him even though was making his present uncomfortable but choosing faithfulness to God the criteria of Life.

Lord Jesus, your words, “be perfect just as your heavenly father is perfect” (Matthew 5:48), have challenged saints and sinners for 2000 years, and they challenge me today. Lord, I ask you to grant me the grace to follow the steps to holiness by denying myself (purgative way), taking up my cross (illuminative way), and following you (unitive way)

Lord, place in the depth of my soul a great desire to become a saint by denying myself, taking up my cross and following you

Lord Jesus, I ask you for the courage to continue to follow your call to holiness. Help me to know where it is you want me to become more like you, and give me the strength to form myself into the saint of which you have always dreamed. Mother Mary, I entrust my spiritual life into your maternal care. Guide me as you guided your son.

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